Saturday, August 20, 2011

You need what??

Luckily, I thought ahead this year and bought some of the standard school supplies when they were on sale a couple of weeks ago.  Thankfully, when Katie Jo picked up her list at Open House, there wasn't anything too out of the ordinary listed.  Yea!

However, I've heard some really bizarre stories lately of what schools are requiring their students/parents to supply. One school in Kentucky is requiring their Kindergartners to bring 4 pkgs of copy paper.  I even read about a school in New York asking parents to send teachers gift cards to Staples so they can go purchase whatever supplies they need.  Wow!  I know budgets are tight.......but really!?!?

I found several truly outrageous and unreasonable school supply lists.  Here are a couple (with the highlighted items seeming particularly excessive)....

5 boxes (12 count) #2 pencils 
• 1 pack pencil erasers 
36 glue sticks 
 Crayola Crayons - 6 boxes of 24 
• 1 pair of blunt tip scissors 
• 1 pack of index cards 
4 rolls paper towels
• 1 back pack, non rolling 
• Zip-loc bags (girls – quart size, 
boys – gallon size) 
• 1 plastic pencil box (8X5) 
• Washable markers – optional 
Flash drive (at least 2 mg)

• 2 plastic pocket folders (1 blue/1 red)  

And here's another really llllloooonnnnnggg list I came across...
(3) 24 count boxes of Crayola Crayons
(2) packages of #2 Roseart 12 count pencils already sharpened
(2) large pink erasers
(1) pair of Fiskar pointed scissors
(1) bottle of white school glue
(2) large glue sticks
(1) small snap shut school box
(1) pack of Crayola washable markers
(1) package of wide ruled notebook paper
(1) package of white copy paper
(1) package of colored copy paper
(1) large package of Expo markers
(1) bottle of Expo board cleaner
(1) backpack
(2) plastic no prong folders
(1) box of Kleenex
(1) bottle of Antibacterial soap or refills
(1) bottle of Germ X
(3) boxes of baby wipes
(3) double rolls of paper towels
(3) packages of Clorox Wipes
(1) package of gallon sized Ziploc Bags
(2) boxes of kitchen drawstring garbage bags

 However, the grand prize for the most outrageous item found on a school supply list comes from Hawaii.  At that particular school, students will be seen carting in 4 double rolls of toilet paper among their other supplies. Toilet paper.......really!?!!?

Now that's just sad......